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Updated November 30, 2023 -
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We propose an immediate and comprehensive study to consider the opportunities, benefits and cost savings to NYC including:
Please click on the other tabs (the horizontal lines above if you are viewing on a mobile device) for more information.
We propose an immediate and comprehensive study to consider the opportunities, benefits and cost savings to NYC including:
- A repurposed 91st St. MTS as a year-round, enclosed, fully ADA compliant "northern" ferry hub and terminal directly accessible by public transit and emergency vehicles which will help ensure the success of the NYCFerry and its expansion to new landings - especially those in communities in the Bronx and Queens now under-served by public transit (as well as an un-subsidized water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport);
- A review of the NYCFerry subsidies and the consideration of a surge pricing mechanism and lower subsidy for high "traffic" holidays and weekends to "non-commuting" destinations (i.e. pleasure trips) to help "justify" the subsidies for existing and new routes to transit deserts in underserved communities in Northern Queens and the South Bronx;
- A transfer of the NYCFerry service to the NYC Department of Transportation which has the expertise to run a ferry service; and
- The inclusion of an FDNY Marine Station pier; and/or
- The inclusion of an NYPD Harbor Unit pier.
November 25, 2024 Update -
Ridership at all time high, but less than other forms of public transit. Of course...but imagine if people in transit deserts in N. Queens, S. Bx and N. Manhattan had access. See some of the interesting comments in the article. And also imagine, if you could take the NYCFerry directly to LaGuardia airport!!
June 12, 2024 Update -
Effective public transit solutions are among the key points of the congestion pricing debate, no matter if you support the plan or if you support the pause. MTSRepurpose directly addresses a portion of this problem with a creative, equitable and cost-efficient solution to provide better public transit options for "transit desert" communities in the South Bronx and Northern Queens including Bronx Point, Hunts Point, City Island, Schuylerville, Douglaston, College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Flushing, Throngs Neck (now just an add-on to an existing route).
With the support of the Port Authority it could also provide a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport from Manhattan.
The underutilized 91st Street MTS should be repurposed as a public transit/ADA/emergency vehicle accessible large northern hub and terminal to enable the NYCFerry to quickly initiate DIRECT ROUTES to all of these communities!
September 27, 2023 Update - Welcome2theBronx.com and CityIslandRising.org are proposing a NYCFerry route to City Island. A FANTASTIC IDEA but why stop there?
#MTSRepurpose for a public transit accessible, ADA compliant, EMT accessible LARGE northern ferry hub and terminal (Pier 90 in Yorkville is none of those things).
THE BRONX and NORTHERN QUEENS have basically been IGNORED by the NYCFerry.
We support DIRECT routes to City Island, Bronx Point, Hunts Point. Schuylerville, College Point, Flushing Whitestone, Bayside, Douglaston as well as an unsubsidized DIRECT WATER SHUTTLE to LaGuardia airport.
August 8, 2023 Update - NYCEDC which operates the @nycferry announces a new contract with Hornblower for "a more equitable accessible, and financially sustainable citywide ferry system" but leaves out new direct routes to Northern Queens, the South Bronx, Northern Manhattan (and the option for a direct ferry shuttle to LaGuardia Airport). Shouldn't transit deserts in these communities be part of an NYC supported "citywide ferry system"? - https://edc.nyc/press-release/nycedc-announces-new-nyc-ferry-contract-hornblower-group. Repurposing the 91st Street MTS as a large, northern, ferry hub and terminal (like those at 34th Street and Wall Street) which would be easily public transit and emergency vehicle accessible and ADA compliant, would allow for this much needed and deserved expansion!
February 24, 2023 Update - As part of the #FerryForward initiative the NYCFerry and the EDC (NYC Economic Development Corporation) announced a NEW DIRECT route from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to downtown Manhattan beginning on March 8 on WEEKDAY MORNINGS.
MTSRepurpose is pleased to hear this and supports new routes to support transit deserts - the ferry service should support commuters first and foremost. UNFORTUNATELY they still completely ignore the transit deserts in Northern Queens and the South Bronx.
With the highly underutilized 91st Street MTS repurposed as a large northern hub and terminal enabling the NYC to support the transfer of people not waste, NYCFerry could initiate DIRECT ROUTES to all the points noted below including Bronx Point, Hunts Point, City Island, Schuylerville, Douglaston, College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Flushing, Throngs Neck (now just an add-on to an existing route) AND...a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport.
MTSRepurpose is troubled by the fact that in a recent meeting in the fall of 2022 with a local elected official, the EDC reportedly said that NYCFerry expansion plans were on hold...and yet just announced this new route to Brooklyn. Is there a reason that they do not want to expand to the South Bronx and Northern Queens?
Again, MTSRepurpose calls on the NY City Council and Mayor Adams to initiate an immediate study to:
1) consider and plan for this critical growth requirement; and
2) review the pricing and subsidy structures.
Thank you Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright for your continued interest in MTSRepurpose and for your interview on your RISEUP program on MNN TV - Manhattan Neighborhood Network, mnn.org!
September 12, 2022 - NYC Fare Increases, Need for Revenue Generation, Subsidies
The cost of a standard ride on the NYCFerry will increase to $4.00 with reduced prices available to Seniors, folks with disabilities, fair fare participants and 10 trip packets.
We agree! MTSRepurpose has long advocated for a review of the cost of the highly subsidized trips, particularly from different locations, at different times, and with a focus on the NYCFerry as another EQUITABLE commuting option...not just a ride that people take for fun. And no matter where you stand on Congestion Pricing, an active ferry serving transit desert communities MTSRepurpose will be a part of the solution.
To that end, without a large, northern hub and terminal which is easily accessible to public transit, emergency service vehicles, and also within the spirit of ADA compliance (not just the technical law) expanded direct service to multiple points in the South Bronx, Northern Queens and Northern Manhattan are simply not possible. And of course, neither is a regular, properly priced, water ferry to LaGuardia Airport!
Regarding additional revenue streams, another MTSRepurpose idea is a small newsstand and coffee shop located in this large potential large hub.
And a LaGuardia water shuttle offers further opportunities with a non-subsidized fare PLUS, the possibility of a dedicated secure area with a TSA security check-in point with funds possibly from the TSA and perhaps the airlines as well!
As we have noted, every story, article and discussion about the NYCFerry and the need for better public transit continues to make a case for MTSRepurpose. ALL NYers would benefit from this!
March 3, 2022 - Port Authority Proposal -
MTSRepurpose is pleased to see that a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport is one of 14 proposals to replace the cancelled AirTrain - exactly as we've been advocating from the start (see below)! HOWEVER the PA plan includes the Pier 90 landing which: 1) is not fully ADA accessible; 2) does not connect to public transit or support a large CitiBike dock; and 3) cannot be reached by any emergency vehicles! MTSRepurpose would provide all that access and all those connections!
January 2022 - A new day for MTSRepurpose?
MTSRepurpose is looking forward to working with a new Mayor, a new City Council Representative, a new Transportation Commissioner and other newly elected and appointed officials. Hopefully this means a change from the past with fresh eyes and vision, as well as bold and innovative thinking to provide DIRECT ferry routes to commuters in underserved transit deserts in Northern Queens, South Bronx and Northern Manhattan and #getstuffdone!!
December 30, 2021
NYCFerry Adds a Landing in the Bronx at Ferry Point...BUT
....this only extends the Soundview Route! It DOES NOT ADD ANY NEW DIRECT routes to the Bronx, Northern Queens or even Northern Manhattan. To add and support new direct routes to these multiple transit deserts, a LARGE NORTHERN ferry hub & terminal (like the ones at 34th Street and Wall Street) is needed.
October 4, 2021 - ALTERNATIVE TO CUOMO'S LaGUARDIA AIRTRAIN - Governor Hochul has asked the Port Authority to "examine alternative mass transit solutions for reducing car traffic and increasing connectivity" to LaGuardia Airport. MTSRepurpose as a large northern NYCFerry hub and terminal could support an easily accessible DIRECT WATER SHUTTLE to LaGuardia - probably 15 minutes and NO TRAFFIC!
August 26, 2021 Whether you support Congestion Pricing or not, extending the NYCFerry service to multiple South Bronx and Northern Queens transit deserts will help achieve transit equity for those under-served transit deserts by connecting them to the rest of the service, and to public transit in Manhattan. This can only be achieved with a large northern ferry terminal and hub. The 91st Street MTS is the perfect site and structure for this (unlike the current inaccessible and small 90th St. pier in Yorkville).
May 4, 2021 - Thank you Tricia Shimamura https://triciaforny.nyc/issues (Twitter @Tricia4NYC) for being the first candidate for public office (City Council District 5) in this election cycle to support a call for a study to Repurpose the MTS as a large northern accessible Ferry Hub and Terminal AND an FDNY Marine Station AND an NYPD Harbor Unit!!
January 13, 2020 - In response to a NYPost article http://bit.ly/2TmqY8c highlighting ferry ridership by "wealthier" New Yorkers and the high subsidies for the service, potential Mayoral candidates Scott Stringer and Corey Johnson reportedly demand answers from City Hall and the NYCEDC regarding ridership, communities actually served by the ferries and also call for the service to be transferred to the NYC Department of Transportation. WE'VE BEEN SAYING THIS ALL ALONG!! Just look at the map of service below!
We have also urged that our proposed study consider "surge" pricing and lower subsidies for high "traffic" holidays and weekends for "non-commuting" destinations that are used mostly for pleasure trips. This could help "justify" the subsidies for true commuting routes and for the new routes we proposed to transit deserts in underserved communities like the South Bronx and Northern Queens!
November 7, 2019 - The NYCEDC (Economic Development Corporation) reports that a "fully ADA accessible" path to the 90th Street (Yorkville) Landing is open https://twitter.com/NYCferry/status/1192071672758775810?s=20. C'mon, EDC - get real. It may be legally ADA compliant but not actually so. From East End Avenue, it is 200 paces to the East River then 3 blocks to the landing which includes a 2 block hill behind Gracie Mansion! This makes it very, very difficult for folks with walkers and wheel chairs. PLUS there is no public transit connection, or direct access for emergency vehicles. MTSRepurpose solves all those issues in addition to being large enough to allow NYCFerry to connect transit deserts in Northern Queens and the South Bronx. Between this and your October study (see October 1 entry below) it is really hard to understand why you would not support an immediate MTS Repurpose study.
October 1, 2019 - An NYCEDC (Economic Development Corporation) study finally confirms that the NYCFerry primarily benefits affluent communities and riders. THIS HAS BEEN OUR POINT ALL ALONG!! - just look at where the current and planned ferry landings are located! NYCFerry MUST connect underserved transit deserts and communities (not just affluent riders and tourists) as part of an integrated transit system. True "borough equity" means multiple routes and frequent service to communities in places such as the South Bronx, Northern Queens. This will help justify the significant ferry subsidies as well!
The underutilized 91st St. MTS is the perfect site and structure for a fully ADA compliant, public transit and EMT accessible large northern public transit ferry hub and terminal to serve the South Bronx and Northern Queens - connecting those communities to the rest of the ferry service and city. Let's see an #MTSRepurpose study NOW!
Connecting those landings to existing landings at:
Ridership at all time high, but less than other forms of public transit. Of course...but imagine if people in transit deserts in N. Queens, S. Bx and N. Manhattan had access. See some of the interesting comments in the article. And also imagine, if you could take the NYCFerry directly to LaGuardia airport!!
June 12, 2024 Update -
Effective public transit solutions are among the key points of the congestion pricing debate, no matter if you support the plan or if you support the pause. MTSRepurpose directly addresses a portion of this problem with a creative, equitable and cost-efficient solution to provide better public transit options for "transit desert" communities in the South Bronx and Northern Queens including Bronx Point, Hunts Point, City Island, Schuylerville, Douglaston, College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Flushing, Throngs Neck (now just an add-on to an existing route).
With the support of the Port Authority it could also provide a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport from Manhattan.
The underutilized 91st Street MTS should be repurposed as a public transit/ADA/emergency vehicle accessible large northern hub and terminal to enable the NYCFerry to quickly initiate DIRECT ROUTES to all of these communities!
September 27, 2023 Update - Welcome2theBronx.com and CityIslandRising.org are proposing a NYCFerry route to City Island. A FANTASTIC IDEA but why stop there?
#MTSRepurpose for a public transit accessible, ADA compliant, EMT accessible LARGE northern ferry hub and terminal (Pier 90 in Yorkville is none of those things).
THE BRONX and NORTHERN QUEENS have basically been IGNORED by the NYCFerry.
We support DIRECT routes to City Island, Bronx Point, Hunts Point. Schuylerville, College Point, Flushing Whitestone, Bayside, Douglaston as well as an unsubsidized DIRECT WATER SHUTTLE to LaGuardia airport.
August 8, 2023 Update - NYCEDC which operates the @nycferry announces a new contract with Hornblower for "a more equitable accessible, and financially sustainable citywide ferry system" but leaves out new direct routes to Northern Queens, the South Bronx, Northern Manhattan (and the option for a direct ferry shuttle to LaGuardia Airport). Shouldn't transit deserts in these communities be part of an NYC supported "citywide ferry system"? - https://edc.nyc/press-release/nycedc-announces-new-nyc-ferry-contract-hornblower-group. Repurposing the 91st Street MTS as a large, northern, ferry hub and terminal (like those at 34th Street and Wall Street) which would be easily public transit and emergency vehicle accessible and ADA compliant, would allow for this much needed and deserved expansion!
February 24, 2023 Update - As part of the #FerryForward initiative the NYCFerry and the EDC (NYC Economic Development Corporation) announced a NEW DIRECT route from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to downtown Manhattan beginning on March 8 on WEEKDAY MORNINGS.
MTSRepurpose is pleased to hear this and supports new routes to support transit deserts - the ferry service should support commuters first and foremost. UNFORTUNATELY they still completely ignore the transit deserts in Northern Queens and the South Bronx.
With the highly underutilized 91st Street MTS repurposed as a large northern hub and terminal enabling the NYC to support the transfer of people not waste, NYCFerry could initiate DIRECT ROUTES to all the points noted below including Bronx Point, Hunts Point, City Island, Schuylerville, Douglaston, College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Flushing, Throngs Neck (now just an add-on to an existing route) AND...a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport.
MTSRepurpose is troubled by the fact that in a recent meeting in the fall of 2022 with a local elected official, the EDC reportedly said that NYCFerry expansion plans were on hold...and yet just announced this new route to Brooklyn. Is there a reason that they do not want to expand to the South Bronx and Northern Queens?
Again, MTSRepurpose calls on the NY City Council and Mayor Adams to initiate an immediate study to:
1) consider and plan for this critical growth requirement; and
2) review the pricing and subsidy structures.
Thank you Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright for your continued interest in MTSRepurpose and for your interview on your RISEUP program on MNN TV - Manhattan Neighborhood Network, mnn.org!
September 12, 2022 - NYC Fare Increases, Need for Revenue Generation, Subsidies
The cost of a standard ride on the NYCFerry will increase to $4.00 with reduced prices available to Seniors, folks with disabilities, fair fare participants and 10 trip packets.
We agree! MTSRepurpose has long advocated for a review of the cost of the highly subsidized trips, particularly from different locations, at different times, and with a focus on the NYCFerry as another EQUITABLE commuting option...not just a ride that people take for fun. And no matter where you stand on Congestion Pricing, an active ferry serving transit desert communities MTSRepurpose will be a part of the solution.
To that end, without a large, northern hub and terminal which is easily accessible to public transit, emergency service vehicles, and also within the spirit of ADA compliance (not just the technical law) expanded direct service to multiple points in the South Bronx, Northern Queens and Northern Manhattan are simply not possible. And of course, neither is a regular, properly priced, water ferry to LaGuardia Airport!
Regarding additional revenue streams, another MTSRepurpose idea is a small newsstand and coffee shop located in this large potential large hub.
And a LaGuardia water shuttle offers further opportunities with a non-subsidized fare PLUS, the possibility of a dedicated secure area with a TSA security check-in point with funds possibly from the TSA and perhaps the airlines as well!
As we have noted, every story, article and discussion about the NYCFerry and the need for better public transit continues to make a case for MTSRepurpose. ALL NYers would benefit from this!
March 3, 2022 - Port Authority Proposal -
MTSRepurpose is pleased to see that a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport is one of 14 proposals to replace the cancelled AirTrain - exactly as we've been advocating from the start (see below)! HOWEVER the PA plan includes the Pier 90 landing which: 1) is not fully ADA accessible; 2) does not connect to public transit or support a large CitiBike dock; and 3) cannot be reached by any emergency vehicles! MTSRepurpose would provide all that access and all those connections!
January 2022 - A new day for MTSRepurpose?
MTSRepurpose is looking forward to working with a new Mayor, a new City Council Representative, a new Transportation Commissioner and other newly elected and appointed officials. Hopefully this means a change from the past with fresh eyes and vision, as well as bold and innovative thinking to provide DIRECT ferry routes to commuters in underserved transit deserts in Northern Queens, South Bronx and Northern Manhattan and #getstuffdone!!
December 30, 2021
NYCFerry Adds a Landing in the Bronx at Ferry Point...BUT
....this only extends the Soundview Route! It DOES NOT ADD ANY NEW DIRECT routes to the Bronx, Northern Queens or even Northern Manhattan. To add and support new direct routes to these multiple transit deserts, a LARGE NORTHERN ferry hub & terminal (like the ones at 34th Street and Wall Street) is needed.
October 4, 2021 - ALTERNATIVE TO CUOMO'S LaGUARDIA AIRTRAIN - Governor Hochul has asked the Port Authority to "examine alternative mass transit solutions for reducing car traffic and increasing connectivity" to LaGuardia Airport. MTSRepurpose as a large northern NYCFerry hub and terminal could support an easily accessible DIRECT WATER SHUTTLE to LaGuardia - probably 15 minutes and NO TRAFFIC!
August 26, 2021 Whether you support Congestion Pricing or not, extending the NYCFerry service to multiple South Bronx and Northern Queens transit deserts will help achieve transit equity for those under-served transit deserts by connecting them to the rest of the service, and to public transit in Manhattan. This can only be achieved with a large northern ferry terminal and hub. The 91st Street MTS is the perfect site and structure for this (unlike the current inaccessible and small 90th St. pier in Yorkville).
May 4, 2021 - Thank you Tricia Shimamura https://triciaforny.nyc/issues (Twitter @Tricia4NYC) for being the first candidate for public office (City Council District 5) in this election cycle to support a call for a study to Repurpose the MTS as a large northern accessible Ferry Hub and Terminal AND an FDNY Marine Station AND an NYPD Harbor Unit!!
January 13, 2020 - In response to a NYPost article http://bit.ly/2TmqY8c highlighting ferry ridership by "wealthier" New Yorkers and the high subsidies for the service, potential Mayoral candidates Scott Stringer and Corey Johnson reportedly demand answers from City Hall and the NYCEDC regarding ridership, communities actually served by the ferries and also call for the service to be transferred to the NYC Department of Transportation. WE'VE BEEN SAYING THIS ALL ALONG!! Just look at the map of service below!
We have also urged that our proposed study consider "surge" pricing and lower subsidies for high "traffic" holidays and weekends for "non-commuting" destinations that are used mostly for pleasure trips. This could help "justify" the subsidies for true commuting routes and for the new routes we proposed to transit deserts in underserved communities like the South Bronx and Northern Queens!
November 7, 2019 - The NYCEDC (Economic Development Corporation) reports that a "fully ADA accessible" path to the 90th Street (Yorkville) Landing is open https://twitter.com/NYCferry/status/1192071672758775810?s=20. C'mon, EDC - get real. It may be legally ADA compliant but not actually so. From East End Avenue, it is 200 paces to the East River then 3 blocks to the landing which includes a 2 block hill behind Gracie Mansion! This makes it very, very difficult for folks with walkers and wheel chairs. PLUS there is no public transit connection, or direct access for emergency vehicles. MTSRepurpose solves all those issues in addition to being large enough to allow NYCFerry to connect transit deserts in Northern Queens and the South Bronx. Between this and your October study (see October 1 entry below) it is really hard to understand why you would not support an immediate MTS Repurpose study.
October 1, 2019 - An NYCEDC (Economic Development Corporation) study finally confirms that the NYCFerry primarily benefits affluent communities and riders. THIS HAS BEEN OUR POINT ALL ALONG!! - just look at where the current and planned ferry landings are located! NYCFerry MUST connect underserved transit deserts and communities (not just affluent riders and tourists) as part of an integrated transit system. True "borough equity" means multiple routes and frequent service to communities in places such as the South Bronx, Northern Queens. This will help justify the significant ferry subsidies as well!
The underutilized 91st St. MTS is the perfect site and structure for a fully ADA compliant, public transit and EMT accessible large northern public transit ferry hub and terminal to serve the South Bronx and Northern Queens - connecting those communities to the rest of the ferry service and city. Let's see an #MTSRepurpose study NOW!
- The new Bronx Point Project
- Hunts Point
- City Island
- Throggs Neck (now planned as an extension to the Soundview Route - but it should have its own direct route)
- Schuylerville
- College Point
- Flushing
- Whitestone
- Bayside
- Douglaston
- …as well as a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport (unsubsidized)
- …and even in-season service to Yankee Stadium and Citi Field and a direct connection to Asphalt Green!
Connecting those landings to existing landings at:
- Soundview, Bronx
- Hallet’s Point, Queens
- Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Center
- Midtown Manhattan
- Downtown Manhattan
May 1, 2019 - The MTS is now open under the outdated (do the math!) 2006 Solid Waste Management Plan (and it is costing NYC and the NYC Department of Sanitation at least an additional $50/ton to export waste this way http://bit.ly/2XWAi1J ). #MTSREPURPOSE is a far more progressive, fair, safe, fiscally wise - yet still no study!
Also 2 years after we suggested it, there is now a proposal to link Hallet's Point in NW Queens to Yorkville: http://bit.ly/2VHmXg8 That's an OK start that illustrates the point, but does not really address the concerns and issues we have raised. We still have not heard one single reason why MTSRepurpose would not be a fiscally wiser & safer alternative as noted below.
We are still looking for bold, creative thinking and leadership (starting with the study we propose!) from our politicians and local leaders such as that provided by State Senator Krueger and State Representative Seawright).
Also 2 years after we suggested it, there is now a proposal to link Hallet's Point in NW Queens to Yorkville: http://bit.ly/2VHmXg8 That's an OK start that illustrates the point, but does not really address the concerns and issues we have raised. We still have not heard one single reason why MTSRepurpose would not be a fiscally wiser & safer alternative as noted below.
We are still looking for bold, creative thinking and leadership (starting with the study we propose!) from our politicians and local leaders such as that provided by State Senator Krueger and State Representative Seawright).
April 18, 2019 -
Subsidies - We agree that the NYCFerries are highly subsidized. So let's do the study to review enabling the ferries to serve the communities that are true transit deserts in the South Bronx and Northern Queens as well as the select communities and tourist trade that currently enjoy the service.
Pricing - Let's also study a tiered pricing structure to help make the service more equitable and fair!
Operations - Let's also study the transfer of the NYCFerry to the NYC Department of Transportation which has the expertise to run it.
Subsidies - We agree that the NYCFerries are highly subsidized. So let's do the study to review enabling the ferries to serve the communities that are true transit deserts in the South Bronx and Northern Queens as well as the select communities and tourist trade that currently enjoy the service.
Pricing - Let's also study a tiered pricing structure to help make the service more equitable and fair!
Operations - Let's also study the transfer of the NYCFerry to the NYC Department of Transportation which has the expertise to run it.
February 7, 2019 - At a 2/6/19 Community Board 8 Transportation Committee Meeting, attended by several NYC Agencies (but sadly no press) we did not hear one single reason why MTSRepurpose would not be a fiscally wiser & safer alternative use for the facility which can allow it to serve ALL NYers (not just a handful of sanitation districts). Can't we do better in NYC? Aren't we bolder, smarter and even more fair and progressive than this??
Sept. 2018 - Congrats to the NYCFerry and the Mayor on the Soundview route with the completion of "phase one" of the service! To date, the NYCFerry initiative has exceeded expectations - over 6 million riders since May 2017 - and an anticipated ridership of 9 million!
Soundview is currently the only ferry landing in the Bronx! There are 9 landings now servingBrooklyn, 7 in Western Queens/Roosevelt Island, and 5 in Manhattan! Even one to Governor's Island (do any commuters live there??)!
Other than simply extending the existing Soundview Route to Throggs Neck (but not until 2021!) there are still no other ferry routes to transit desert communities in the Southern Bronx and Northern Queens!
There is no large northern ferry hub necessary to serve new routes to the Bronx and Northern Queens
like the existing hubs at 34th Street, DUMBO and Wall Street. This is ESSENTIAL to support these additional lines to the Bronx and Northern Queens and provide equitable and fair transit choices to those transit desert communities. NYCFerry needs to plan for continued success!
We are calling for an IMMEDIATE #mtsrepurpose study to 1) consider and plan for this important growth opportunity, 2) to review the pricing and subsidy structures, and 3) to consider transferring the NYCFerry to the NYC Department of Transportation which has the expertise.
Soundview is currently the only ferry landing in the Bronx! There are 9 landings now servingBrooklyn, 7 in Western Queens/Roosevelt Island, and 5 in Manhattan! Even one to Governor's Island (do any commuters live there??)!
Other than simply extending the existing Soundview Route to Throggs Neck (but not until 2021!) there are still no other ferry routes to transit desert communities in the Southern Bronx and Northern Queens!
There is no large northern ferry hub necessary to serve new routes to the Bronx and Northern Queens
like the existing hubs at 34th Street, DUMBO and Wall Street. This is ESSENTIAL to support these additional lines to the Bronx and Northern Queens and provide equitable and fair transit choices to those transit desert communities. NYCFerry needs to plan for continued success!
We are calling for an IMMEDIATE #mtsrepurpose study to 1) consider and plan for this important growth opportunity, 2) to review the pricing and subsidy structures, and 3) to consider transferring the NYCFerry to the NYC Department of Transportation which has the expertise.
Download a copy of the letter here:
Download a copy of the letter here:

letter_to_mayor_re_mts_ferry.pdf | |
File Size: | 42 kb |
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Thank you Manhattan Community Board 8 for your February 26, 2018 resolution in support of the proposed feasibility study!!
Download a copy of the resolution here:
Download a copy of the resolution here:

02.26.2018_repurposing_of_the_east_91st_street_marine_transfer_station_call_for_feasibility_study_reso.pdf | |
File Size: | 40 kb |
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In his 2018 State of the District Address, Council Representative Ben Kallos said he supports the #MTSREPURPOSE study: https://benkallos.com/stateofthedistrict/2018
and said so again in his September 2018 Town Hall (at 2.58.08): https://youtu.be/TcdXgKHmZLg
and said so again in his September 2018 Town Hall (at 2.58.08): https://youtu.be/TcdXgKHmZLg
July 11, 2018 - MTSRepurpose agrees with Council Members Mark Gjonaj, Ritchie Torres, Ruben Diaz, Sr., Francisco Moya and others regarding NYC Council Bill #1001-2018 for ferry service to Throggs Neck and City Island. Let's add @NYCFerry landings to the Bronx and Queens! See the Bronx Times Reporter Article here: https://bit.ly/2m784Ax
By the way, we have asked for a bold city council resolution calling for this study, but nothing yet.
By the way, we have asked for a bold city council resolution calling for this study, but nothing yet.
March 12, 2018 -The East River Helicopter Tragedy - The staging area for the rescue and recovery was below the 34th Street Pier, over 50 blocks away from the scene of this terrible accident. This highlights that: 1) the proposed Pier 90 location for the NYCFerry landing may not be emergency vehicle accessible; and 2) in addition to a ferry terminal and hub, the MTS should also be considered for an FDNY Fireboat pier and/or an NYPD Harbor Command pier. Please refer to the "FDNY Marine Station" tab and the "NYPD Harbor Unit" tab for more detail.
Repurposed as a northern NYCFerry hub and terminal, the MTS could provide support for more landings and #equitabletransitchoices for underserved communities in the Bronx and Queens that currently have poor access to public transit including:
Repurposed as a key part of NYC's transit infrastructure, the MTS can make a positive, tangible, daily impact on the lives of New Yorkers from all of these communities and locations - especially these "transit desert" communities in the Bronx and Queens.
The NYCFerry has grown faster than expected - we need a smart plan to support its growth.
The construction of the 91st Street MTS facility presents New York City with an EXCITING, IMPORTANT and ONE-TIME opportunity to to re-purpose the uniquely sited and structured MTS as a fully integrated ferry transportation center supporting the NYCFerry's unexpectedly high growth and success. Let's plan for this now and not miss our chance!
As an all-weather, enclosed, northern ferry hub and ferry terminal directly accessible by public transit and emergency vehicles and fully ADA compliant, the MTS could support and help ensure the success of Mayor de Blasio's new and exciting NYCFerry service, and to support its continued growth.
It IS the right solution because the MTS has:
So let's move ahead and put aside the divisive politics and accusations of the past.
The time is NOW for NYC’s elected officials, appropriate city agencies, public servants - and all interested New Yorkers - to undertake a comprehensive and immediate study of this important alternative LONG TERM use allowing the MTS to serve New Yorkers in many communities on a daily basis
Re-purposing the MTS as a northern ferry hub and terminal will help support and grow the NYCFerry by providing the infrastructure for the growth to these critical new routes and connections to the Bronx and Queens. This could also save New York City millions of dollars which could be used for urgent needs including mass transit upgrades and repairs -- so it makes good fiscal sense as well!
Let's make the MTS an important part of New York City's transit infrastructure serving all communities. As an NYCFerry Hub and Terminal the uniquely structured and ideally located MTS can support fair and equitable transit choices for communities with limited access to existing public transit - every single day!
Repurposed as a northern NYCFerry hub and terminal, the MTS could provide support for more landings and #equitabletransitchoices for underserved communities in the Bronx and Queens that currently have poor access to public transit including:
- The new Bronx Point Project
- Hunts Point
- City Island
- Throggs Neck (now planned as an extension to the Soundview Route - but it should have its own direct route)
- Schuylerville
- College Point
- Flushing
- Whitestone
- Bayside
- Douglaston
- …as well as a direct water shuttle to LaGuardia Airport (unsubsidized)
- …and even in-season service to Yankee Stadium and Citi Field and a direct connection to Asphalt Green!
- Soundview, Bronx
- Hallet’s Point, Queens
- Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Center
- Midtown Manhattan
- Downtown Manhattan
Repurposed as a key part of NYC's transit infrastructure, the MTS can make a positive, tangible, daily impact on the lives of New Yorkers from all of these communities and locations - especially these "transit desert" communities in the Bronx and Queens.
The NYCFerry has grown faster than expected - we need a smart plan to support its growth.
The construction of the 91st Street MTS facility presents New York City with an EXCITING, IMPORTANT and ONE-TIME opportunity to to re-purpose the uniquely sited and structured MTS as a fully integrated ferry transportation center supporting the NYCFerry's unexpectedly high growth and success. Let's plan for this now and not miss our chance!
As an all-weather, enclosed, northern ferry hub and ferry terminal directly accessible by public transit and emergency vehicles and fully ADA compliant, the MTS could support and help ensure the success of Mayor de Blasio's new and exciting NYCFerry service, and to support its continued growth.
It IS the right solution because the MTS has:
- The perfect geographical location for this use;
- An existing marine design and structure which includes internal docks and moorings – it would require minimal re-design and construction alterations for this;
- Large ramp access connecting directly to the facility at 91st Street (or later at the new 92nd Street ramp) to York Avenue and which can easily connect to public transit (including the Q line), para-transit, taxis and emergency vehicles; and
- Plenty of room for a large adjacent CitiBike docking station.
So let's move ahead and put aside the divisive politics and accusations of the past.
The time is NOW for NYC’s elected officials, appropriate city agencies, public servants - and all interested New Yorkers - to undertake a comprehensive and immediate study of this important alternative LONG TERM use allowing the MTS to serve New Yorkers in many communities on a daily basis
Re-purposing the MTS as a northern ferry hub and terminal will help support and grow the NYCFerry by providing the infrastructure for the growth to these critical new routes and connections to the Bronx and Queens. This could also save New York City millions of dollars which could be used for urgent needs including mass transit upgrades and repairs -- so it makes good fiscal sense as well!
Let's make the MTS an important part of New York City's transit infrastructure serving all communities. As an NYCFerry Hub and Terminal the uniquely structured and ideally located MTS can support fair and equitable transit choices for communities with limited access to existing public transit - every single day!